Wild Crabgrass is a tufted or creeping annual grass. Stems are rising,
20-100 cm long, base prostrate, rooting at the lower nodes. Leaf sheath is
keeled, bearing long tubercle-based hairs or sometimes hairless, margins
membranous. Ligule is membranous, truncate, 1-3 mm long. Leaf blade is
4-25 cm long, 0.3-1 cm wide. Surfaces are hairless or hairy. One margin is
often crinkled. Inflorescence consists of 4-12 spreading, subdigitate racemes
mostly 7-15 cm long, occur in 1-3 whorls. Rachis is 3-angled with scabrous
margins. Spikelets is lanceolate, 2.5-3.3 mm long, in unequally
pedicellate pairs. Lower glume are reduced to a scale, upper glume
1/2-3/4 as long as spikelet, acute, 3-nerved, margins hairy. Sterile
lemma is as long as spikelet, 7-nerved, with lateral nerves crowded
towards the margins, leaving bread interspaces along midvein.
Wild Crabgrass is found in the Tropical and Subtropical Africa and
Asia, including the Himalayas.